Pavl0vian Brainwashing 1: N0 Release
Powerful erotic brainwashing session, watch in a darkened quiet room, not a clip recommended for trance beginners or the faint hearted. Email me if you have any questions. This diabolical English h.y.p.n.o.t.i.s.t has been trained in Pavlovian conditioning, a powerful form of brain washing that she has adapted to her own evil desires. One by one she is brainwashing and programming any man that crosses her path to only become attune to her sexual feminine powers… all sexual history is deleted… you are a born again virgin… you will respond to only ONE WOMEN. Prepare to be re-wired under her full control This mind fuck master piece uses powerful h.y.p.n.o.s.i.s techniques that take you into the deepest trance. There your mind will be ra1ped, re-wired and conditioned to serve my evil master plan. I will implant a powerful trigger that will aid my sexual assault and until session 2 there will be no going back. Your need and desire for my dominance and influence will manifest into a beautiful hunger for my control that will grow and magnify every day in your mind and body. Clip contains: Brainwashing, techniques, Triggers, NLP, conditioned reflex, repeat after me, visualization, masturbation Instruction, Edging, Orgasm control, Trance, Finger Snapping, mind fuck, mesmerize
This clip features elements of: Mesmerize
Info :
Size: 549.53 MiB
Duration: 00:30:14
Resolution : h264, yuv420p, 1280×720, 29.97 fps(r) (und)
Format: MP4