Supergirl tasted and swallowed whole by King Kaa – Nude Superheroine Vore with Coco 4K
Supergirl tasted and swallowed whole by King Kaa – Nude Superheroine Vore with Coco 4K
Coco, King Kaa, Superheroine, SuperGirl, Spandex, Magic Control, Mesmerize, Spiral Eye FX, Stripping, Made to Strip, Nudity, Kaa Tastes her Nude Body with his Tongue, Apple in Mouth, Blank Expression, Vore, Swallowing Her Whole, Internal Belly Shot, WaM, She’s Covered in Goo, Female Masturbation, Orgasm
Supergirl (Coco) has had a rough day. She’s flown all over the city, righting wrongs and fighting villains wherever they might pop up! All in a day’s work for such a powerful heroine, of course, but by the time she gets home, she’s so exhausted that all she wants to do is relax and watch some TV! First, she turns on the news… but when the anchor reports that there’s a giant, mind controlling snake on the loose… she decides to let that be someone else’s problem and changes the channel!
Some time later, though, SuperGirl’s intuition begins to go haywire. There’s someone else in her house… she can feel it! She slowly turns her head only to discover that KING KAA is already on her! She stands and prepares to fight, but the magnificent serpent begins to mesmerize her with his beautiful eyes! Oddly enough, she seems to be immune! No worries, though… you see, King Kaa is also Kryptonian, and like some other predators on Kara’s home planet, he’s able to store Kryptonite in his venom glands!
He spits the poison into her face, and as she swoons he’s able to establish control over her mind. He calmly requests that she strip nude, which she does with a big, happy grin! He uses his long, bifurcated tongue to taste her delicious tits, perfect legs, and gorgeous ass! He coils her up and sticks an apple in her mouth, turning her for all intents and purposes into a perfect, pretty little roast pig!
He slowly swallows her, tasting her with his tongue as he goes. He’ll taste her ass, her wet pussy, her legs, and her feet before gulping her down to digest!
Through his skin, we see a cutaway shot of Supergirl, covered in thick transparent saliva. At first, she tries to struggle… but when she realizes that she can’t get away, Supergirl sticks her hands between her legs and rubs herself until she cums hard!
Category Magic Control Aliens & Monsters,Mesmerize,Superheroines,Vore,Wet & Messy
Keywords Coco,Voremet Dinner Theater,King Kaa,Belly
tags:superheroines fetish,superheroine porn,superheroines sex,humiliation,submission,superheroines adult movies,fantasy,Super Heroines,SuperHero,Super Hero,Super Heros
Duration: 00:14:19 Resolution: 3840×2160 Format: MPEG-4 Size: 2.84 GB