P0wer Princess: Pris0ner!
The evil and cunning Mistress Nyx has a meeting with the wealthy and decadent Mr. Beaudelaire of the Infinity Corporation. This wealthy industrialist wants to indulge in some of his darkest fantasies while his wife is on holiday in Europe, and he wants Mistress Nyx to help him with his latest obsession… making Power Princess his helpless prisoner so that Beaudelaire can do to Power Princess whatever he wants! Realizing that Power Princess is too strong to be captured by conventional means, Mr. Beaudelaire insists to Mistress Nyx that restraining the beautiful redheaded superheroine isn’t enough. He needs to have her powers neutralized, her willpower crushed, and her sense of entitlement stomped out of existence so that when it comes time to make her his slave, she’ll offer no resistance to his debauched sexual desires no matter how depraved they may be! Mistress Nyx agrees to the terms in exchange of one million dollars (plus expenses) when Power Princess is delivered into Mr. Beaudelaire’s hands. The industrialist warns her that his wife returns from holiday in one week, so she only has that time to deliver the busty superheroine to him, or the deal is off!Knowing she has little time to waste, Mistress Nyx activates a hyper-sonic signal which emanates at such a high-frequency that only Power Princess should be able to hear it. Sure enough, half a state away Power Princess (dressed in her white leotard, red cape and belt, and beautiful blue Italian leather thigh-high boots and gloves) starts hearing the ultrasonic signal while on patrol and follows the sound to it’s source, crashing through Mistress Nyx’s glass window and landing in a huff right in front of the clever criminal. Demanding to know what’s going on, Power Princess advances on the villainess but Mistress Nyx cleverly uses the threat of a doomed hostage wired to explode if Power Princess doesn’t comply to her wishes. Not wanting to endanger the life of an innocent person, Power Princess reluctantly agrees to stay if it means saving lives. Mistress Nyx has Power Princess sit on the bed and as a safety precaution she has Power Princess placed in triple-bit titanium steel handcuffs and leg irons. The tempered metal is a dozen times stronger than ordinary steel but even titanium still won’t restrain Power Princess for more than a few seconds. Still, Power Princess allows herself to be chained if it’ll appease Mistress Nyx.The sinister supervillain then tries to break Power Princess’ will but none of her sex tools can even hurt Power Princess. Spanking and corporal punishment are complete useless, slappers and thumpers also do no good, and at the end Mistress Nyx even pulls out a sidearm and empties an entire clip into Power Princess’ ass and skull in an attempt to make the invulnerable superheroine feel any pain, all of which fails spectacularly. Bored, Power Princess revels in her invulnerability and mocks the attempts by Mistress Nyx to ‘harm’ her and asks if she can fly away yet. Not finished yet, Mistress Nyx uses her hostage as leverage in order to coerce Power Princess into willingly taking off her red and gold cape and tossing it aside. Bored beyond belief, Power Princess obliges the supervillain. Then, Mistress Nyx snarls and takes off Power Princess’ beautiful blue satin gloves, tossing them over the edge of the bed. Power Princess barely manages to stifle back a yawn. Then, even more angry, Mistress Nyx rips off Power Princess’ beautiful blue Italian leather boots and tosses them over the edge of the bed. Power Princess barely notices or cares as this is happening.The moment that Mistress Nyx grabs at Power Princess’ belt however to toss it away, she sees a look of fear spread across the heroine’s face.Realizing she’s onto something, Mistress Nyx does a little research on Google and finds that in every photo in the news where Power Princess is captured by supervillains and publicly paraded around for the public to see, Power Princess isn’t wearing her signature red belt in the shot. It’s always mysteriously absent from around her slender waist.Putting two and two together, Mistress Nyx realizes that the belt must be the source of Power Princess’ incredible solar superpowers! Armed with this knowledge, Mistress Nyx now has a definite advantage over the arrogant superheroine, and presses home that tactical advantage. Power Princess only replies that her sole power item merely helps her absorb and process the yellow rays of the sun (she’s unable to do so on her own), and that she would still have plenty of superpower without it. Mistress Nyx theorizes though that without the technology to metabolize the energy of the Earth’s yellow sun and convert it into power, Power Princess would slowly get weaker and weaker, losing her superpowers as the energy she’s stored slowly ‘drains away’ without being replenished. Given enough time, Power Princess would eventually lose so much power that she becomes an ordinary Earthling, without any superpowers at all. Power Princess (now fearful for her existence) is forced to surrender her solar energy adapter technology to Mistress Nyx, and as her belt is handed over, Power Princess feels her superpowers (including her invulnerability) start to fade away. Just a little bit for now, but at only 90% of her powers and dropping slowly, Power Princess knows that it won’t be long until her powers are at 50%, and then 30%, and then 10%, and then nothing at all. What will the Powerless Princess do then?Then… the floggings, spankings, and beatings will actually HURT Power Princess!Power Princess recovers in the bedroom hours later, unsure of what happened. The busty superheroine sees that she’s standing upright and has been chained with thick steel manacles to a stone column in the corner of the room, like some bizarre homage to “The Fall of the Roman Empire.” Although her solar energy belt was confiscated by Mistress Nyx, Power Princess remains confident that she still has enough solar energy reserves to easily escape. But as Power Princess tries to break her shackles she discovers that of all her superpowers, super-strength was the first one to fade away. Distressed that her solar energy reserves are depleting much quicker than she anticipated, Power Princess tries using her heat vision to melt the steel chains and finds that although the red beams worked for a few seconds they quickly fizzled out shortly afterwards. A desperate attempt to use her freezing breath to make the chains brittle likewise fails when her lungs stop producing super-cold nitrogen after just a few seconds, now becoming just regular air.Frightened because her superpowers are all fading quickly, Power Princess has to put her escape attempts on hold when Mistress Nyx walks back in the room with Biff. Trying to C-bust Power Princess into submission, Mistress Nyx fails when Power Princess’ super-indestructible lady-parts prove tougher than anything on Earth! Knowing though that her invulnerability will fade like all of her other superpowers, Mistress Nyx orders Biff to fire round after round at the chest of the shackled superheroine. At first Power Princess feels nothing at all as the bullets bounce harmlessly off of her invulnerable breasts, but then she starts to feel some discomfort, which quickly turns into pain, which then turns into agony as the bullets bruise and damage her skin, showing that her aura of invulnerability is finally running out of solar power! After a half dozen more rounds, Power Princess is screaming and begging to stop firing bullets at her “barely bulletproof” body and to make the pain go away. Satisfied that Power Princess’ invulnerability is now gone just like the rest of her superpowers, Mistress Nyx takes out a cat-o-nine tails and flogs Power Princess’ butt many times, making the stonging lashes dig deep into the busty superheroine’s ample backside! The scene ends with a beaten Power Princess whimpering in pain and thoroughly humiliated.The final scene has the chained Power Princess meeting with Marceau (the millionaire industrialist who wished to purchase Power Princess in part 1) and the wealthy tycoon marvels at how sad and pathetic the mighty do-gooder has become. Pleased with Mistress Nyx’s progress, he purchases the defeated superheroine and gives her a whiff from his handkerchief. Realizing that the kerchief has been soaked in something sinister, Power Princess tries holding erh breath but her super-lungpower is now a thing of the past like all of her other super-abilities. The caustic chemicals soaked into the red rag quickly drain away the last remnants of Power Princess’ energy reserves, and the fiery redhead soon collapses out, her wrist chains being the only thing keeping her standing. To make matters worse, Power Princess awakens to find herself in bed with Marceau and Mistress Nyx, and the two fiends brutally grope and the powerless superheroine, grabbing and tugging and pulling at her red cape, blue leather thigh-high boots, and her skimpy white leotard until all three are eventually tugged off of her body. As Power Princess fights to keep her satin cape, her leather legwear, and her lycra leotard, she loses the contest and all of them are stripped from her against her will, leaving her in nothing but a bra and a pair of suntan-colored pantyhose. Is this the end for America’s top-ranked Kryptonian? Can a powerless crimefighter find a way to turn the tables on her captors, or is this voluptuous redhead doomed to be groped and fondled by two sneering supervillains?The first half of this clip is for lovers of handcuff fetish, leg-cuff fetish, demonstrations of superpowers (super-hearing, invulnerability) debooting, busty women, powerful woman (Vivian is in full control of the situation right up until the end when she sacrifices her superpowers), leotard fetish, bedroom restraints, blackmail fetish, debelting, glove removal, cape removal, redhead fetish, cape fetish, spanking (ineffectual) spanking with a thumper (also ineffectual), and lots of sexy wordplay back and forth between superheroine and supervillain.The second half of this clip is for lovers of chains and shackle fetish. Power Princess is shackled with steel chains to a stone column for the majority of the video, her arms high above her head in AOH. There are also powerlessness scenarios as the heroine’s powers fail her one by one (super-strength, heat vision, freeze breath, invulnerability) as well as struggling, groping and fondling of the superheroine, a forced stripping of the superheroine out of her leotard by two villains, a Power Princess debooting, tickling fetish, cape & glove removal, belt fetish, pantyhose & tights fetish, spanking, paddling, leotard crotch shots, bra fetish, sleepy scenarios, Faustaesque situations, busty redheads, leotard fetish, angry cries of protest by Power Princess and some insults as the flustered champion gets mad at the villains feeling her up. This clip also has ass flogging, ass-smacking, C-busts (failed) and a lot of arrogant behavior by Power Princess that turns submissive and whimpery when her powers leave her completely.This clip is for lovers of chains and shackle fetish.her arms high above her head in AOH. There are also powerlessness scenarios as the heroine’s powers fail her one by one (super-strength, heat vision, freeze breath, invulnerability) as well as struggling, groping and fondling of the superheroine, a forced stripping of the superheroine out of her leotard by two villains, a Power Princess debooting, tickling fetish, cape & glove removal, belt fetish, pantyhose & tights fetish, spanking, paddling, leotard crotch shots, bra fetish, sleepy scenarios, Faustaesque situations, busty redheads, leotard fetish, angry cries of protest by Power Princess and some insults as the flustered champion gets mad at the villains feeling her up. This clip also has ass flogging, ass-smacking, C-busts (failed) and a lot of arrogant behavior by Power Princess that turns submissive and whimpery when her powers leave her completely.
Keywords: Boot Removal, Belt Removal, Glove Removal, Handcuffs and Shackles, Leotard Fetish, Crotch Shots, Bedroom Bondage, Redheads, Female Slave, Pantyhose & Tights, Groping, Spanking, Tickling
tags:superheroine,superheroines,lesbian domination,lezdom,story line ,storyline,froced orgasm,submission,humiliation,super hero, super heroines ,superheroines porn,superheroines adult movies,power princess
Info :
Size : 2.30 GiB
Duration : 01:04:31
Resolution : h264, yuv420p, 1080×720, 30.00 fps(r) (und)
Format : MP4
Download – Lezdom_Prison.part1.rar
Download – Lezdom_Prison.part2.rar
Download – Lezdom_Prison.part3.rar
Download – Lezdom_Prison.part4.rar
Download – Lezdom_Prison.part5.rar