Horrible Housewife Freeze Frame Humiliation
To say Constance is a bitchy housewife with too much time on her hands.. is an understatement.. She’s hiring yet ANOTHER interior decorator (Tara Tied) as she’s just simply not happy with the job anyone does.. Bitching, complaining, throwing her disposable income around in Tara’s face. While assessing the home, Tara finds a little silly freeze ray, assuming it’s nothing, she points it at Constance and it let’s out a "pew pew" – freezing Constance in her place. Tara, flabbergasted at it’s power, is thankful Constance has FINALLY shut up.. and has no interest in continuing their working relationship together.. so might as well have a little fun with her in her compromised state. Stripping her down of her clothes, one layer at a time.. freezing, unfreezing Constance just to leave her in a state of embarrassment, humiliation, fully exposed, and complete mind fuckery. Once fully nude, panties around her ankles.. Tara leaves Constance frozen, naked, humiliated.. and exposed for her husband to find her – "I’m sure he’d love to have a little fun with her.. while she can’t complain…!"
Includes: ENF, embarrassed naked female, embarrassed nude female, stripped, humiliation, freeze fetish, frozen, housewife, bratty, mannequin fetish, doll fetish, exposed.
Keywords: whitney morgan, constance, tara tied, stripped, enf, mind fuck, mind control, house wife, humiliating, embarrassed nude female, bratty, bitchy housewife, frozen, doll fetish, mannequin.
tags:lezdom fetish,lesbian domination porn,submission,humiliation,overpowered,robot
Duration: 00:09:54 Resolution: 1280×720 Format: MPEG-4 Size: 549.13 MB
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