Fixing Y0ur Ugly Face With My Heel$
Are you talking to me? Did I fucking tell you that your ugly ass could talk to me no I fucking didnt I exclaim as I send a well placed heel straight into your face forcefully. Awe did that hurt? No I didnt fuck up your face if anything I fixed it! You know what seeing how you are here I am going to do my one good deed for the year and fix your face for you. Hold still this will save you thousands on plastic surgery. I continue kicking your face in stopping to admire my handy foot work and see where I need to focus on more as I berate you and your hideous face. Will I be able to fix your face or are you doomed to be fucking ugly forever? Watch and find out!
This clip features elements of: High Heels,High Heels Fetish,Humiliation, Kicking
Info :
Size: 399.83 MiB
Duration: 00:07:56
Resolution : h264, yuv420p, 1440×1080, 29.97 fps(r) => 1920×1080 (eng)
Format: MP4